
Waiting for Julia Coffman at the Blue Duck Tavern bar. It’s about 5:30 p.m. or so. 

 It is a small bar and it is one of the places I go to in DC because it is great if you are solo. Oh yeah, I am starting to travel again but only to states where folks believe in science.  I will keep saying this because apparently we have to say that now in 2021. I digress.



What happens when you believe that resources (in all their manifestations) exist to make that for which you aspire (or to inspire) realized? bell hooks famously said love is “the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth. Love is as love does. Love is an act of will - namely both in intention and action.”  What is possible when love is an action and a choice - one that allows for and reflects autonomy and collectivism towards mutual thriving and full of joy?

I’ve been playing with this since January 20th, 2021 more deliberately and at times with reckless abandon- or is it intentional abandon? It’s been an interesting experiment or maybe it’s a burgeoning practice. 

The constant rejection of scarcity, competition and fear is exhausting. And yet when I see in a person's eyes the shackles of racism loosened; the realization of how deeply patriarchy has lodged itself in non male/men forms; and how the way we practice capitalism in the US is destroying our planet and humanity and that we/they can be different and can find new ways of being in relationship with ourselves and one another to a new future -  it is intoxicating. 

At some point the energy it takes to resist will be less and I can tap more into the energy released through the realization of possibilities and the start of transformation.

I am so close. 

Join me. 

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This blog was written on May 27, 2021.

About The Author:

Jara Dean-Coffey (jdc) is Founder and Director of the Equitable Evaluation Initiative and the Founder of Luminare Group. For the past twenty-five years, she has partnered with clients and colleagues to elevate their collective understanding of the relationship between values, context, strategy and evaluation and shifting our practices so that they are more fully in service of equity. For more about musings + machinations click here.




I still love hotel bars